
GN5-1 and its sister project GN5-IC1 are the first two projects under GN5-FPA, the 7-year strategic framework under Horizon Europe – the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation.

The 24-month GN5-1 project is the latest phase of the long-running and highly successful GÉANT Project that, in close collaboration with the European Commission, has supported Europe’s research and education communities for over 20 years. The project’s mission is to provide scientists, researchers, and students secure access to the world’s most advanced connectivity and collaboration services, enabling effective and secure collaboration within virtual research communities around the world.

Vast research initiatives often involving hundreds of participants across multiple countries utilising advanced computing facilities, continue to rely on the infrastructure provided by GÉANT and its NREN partners, in areas as diverse as climate change, medicine, and energy research.


GN5-1 is arranged around nine Work Packages covering 42 Tasks:

  • WP1 Project Management
  • WP2 Marketing Communications, Events, and Policy Engagement
  • WP3 User and Stakeholder Engagement
  • WP4 Above the Net Services
  • WP5 Trust & Identity Services Evolution and Delivery
  • WP6 Network Development
  • WP7 Network Core Infrastructure, Core Service Evolution, and Operations
  • WP8 Security
  • WP9 Operations Support

Facts and Figures

37 Partners (including GÉANT Association), 2 Associated Partners (SWITCH, Jisc), 43 countries
Total Costs: €82.64M, of which EC funding: €55M

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